Monday, November 17, 2014

I love a rainy night...

It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring! And the kids are all asleep, even Joshua my little night owl. And David is at work. I love the sound of quiet, only the sound of the rain. 'Tis quite delightful.
I frequently blog only when my brain is too full of nonsense that needs to be expelled. Right now I feel okay, quite content. Therefore I have no idea what to write, but I wanted to make one post  about feeling optimistic and good so that the world knows I don't wander around all gloomy and discouraged all the time. Sometimes I am actually happy, can you imagine?
I had a good evening with my boys, we watched TV snuggled together. What is better that snuggling with your favorite people on a stormy evening? I seriously couldn't pick my favorite kid. They are all so different but wonderful as well. Even when they refuse to eat the banana muffins I made for them. meh.

Friday, November 14, 2014


By now everyone knows I enjoy the peace at the cemetery, so I took Joshua a couple days ago and wandered around. He just likes to be out of the house, he doesn't care. And from what I know of elderly folks, they love babies and little kids, so I didn't think they'd mind a visit.
I like to think they appreciate my visits and my quiet singing to my son as we wander the grounds, I guess I like to think it would bring a smile to their face.

I think I might have a better relationship with the dead than the living....but moving on.

I saw many, many more names that I recognize. I told Joshua stories of them all, even the lady that chased me down the hallway when I was a CNA.
 I even saw the lady that was my very first patient at Southport Square when I was in CNA school, maybe 1997 or 1998. She was 96, and at the time was the oldest person I had ever met in real life.

Of course I visited my Papaw and introduced Joshua to him. My papaw died in 1985 from complications related to Alzheimers disease at..59. Yes, Very young. So he was suffering from dementia for my entire life, but even so I don't want him to think anyone has forgotten him, so I keep him up to date about stuff and life.

I don't know what it is about the cool fall weather that makes me ponder over the past. This happens every year.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Introspection and Mortality

Once upon a time I spent many a night at one of the 3 or 4 cemeteries in town. Then we would hit Denny's for some early AM hours food. Ah, those were the days.

Yes, night. My brother and myself would sit upon a bench in one of the local cemeteries and under the moon and the stars we would ponder our existence, or some such thing. We had some of the best conversations there.
As a child my mother took us to have a picnic at a cemetery in Fall River, Mass. It was quite huge, and old and impressive. We were visiting my grandfather, and Lizzie Borden..but that is a story for another day.
As a teen I toured the cemetery in Mooresville, NC with my grandmother, who actually happened to know every single person buried there and their stories. Fascinating.

But in my years as a long term care nurse I frequently meet people in the last years of their life, many times I am there with them in their last days. People I have taken care of and loved and befriended, gone. I always feel sad. Though they are in their 70s, 80s, and 90s they have had long successful lives but it's still sad.
Anyway, many, many of them are buried or interred at one particular location and when I go visit my grandfather I usually wander the rows reading the flat metal plates that have every name and birthdate on them. I always find more and more names I recognize and I always ask God to bless them. This agnostic is not above asking whatever higher being that is out there to take care of my patients that I have loved.
I have a box full of obituaries. Names of some of my favorite people I have known, sometimes I read them just to remember. It makes me sad and happy. Sad they are gone but happy I was lucky enough to know them.

I believe death is the beginning to something else. I am not sure what. But I want to believe that those wonderful people are somewhere in another plane happy and free from any suffering and pain.
And I hope I was able to make as much of a difference in their life as they did in mine.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


So it's been a "W" kind of day, meaning there has been lots of ups and downs.
Sooo, Saturday I foolishly missed my appt. for my level 2 fingerprinting for job at facility #1 because I confused the time with my Thursday physical. Meh.

 I rescheduled it, no problem. Going tomorrow. ****high point

Today was my interview with facility #2. I did okay but was told there were a few other people interviewing as well. Chances for the job not so high.****low point

Decided to apply at facility #3- Two former coworkers are employed there and told me I could use them as a reference. One is going to tell the person doing the hiring that I will be coming in. Looks promising. I will go there on Thursday. ***high point

Had disagreement with the husband about stuff and things and jobs and jealousy and marriage and stuff from the past and blah, blah, blah....yawn***low point

Got lots of hugs and kisses from my kids***always a high point.

Bedtime-time to snuggle with Joshua, I guess a toddler should sleep in his own bed but he's so snuggly****high point

Sometimes I want to wake up and find that some things in my life are merely a bad dream, but there are wonderful things that I have as well. I guess we have to take the good with the bad, that's just life for you. Some days I really think that if it weren't for my boys , I might not still be here.
Sometimes I just long for peace and an end to my suffering.

For now, I will simply settle for some sleep.

Thursday, November 06, 2014


Filled out paperwork for my new job today, and oddly enough I feel more anxious about it than I did when I went to the interview. I have to do fingerprinting and "fit for duty" physical next week. Once everything comes back alright, I can begin work. And I have another interview on Monday.

I know I have nothing to worry about but I am anyway. Feeling almost paranoid, "do I look okay? I think my shoes are too dirty, I should have pulled my hair into a ponytail, crap I forgot to take out my eyebrow piercing, I really need some new clothes, am I acting nervous, etc. etc. etc. " And when I am nervous I make the most painfully awkward small talk.

Perhaps just normal anxiety about beginning a new job. I just want them to like me. And make a proper first impression and be successful. I want to do well.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

I Wish the Gears Would Stop Turning.

The ones in head that is..Today I am trying something new and I really hate it. I am attempting to adopt a healthier lifestyle and it takes some getting used to. For the first time in a while my mind is clear as a freshly cleaned window, but I kinda miss the smudges and grime I have become used to.

So now, I am thinking and thinking and it's constant. My thoughts are coming at me nonstop and I am no longer distracted from them. I lay in bed and my brain keeps thinking on and on and on. About what I did that day, what am I going to do the next day, what should I wear, what should my kids wear, what should I did, what have I done, conversations I have had, conversations I need to have, places to go and things to do.
I have been this way forever but sometimes I am able to muffle the thoughts a bit. If only so I can sleep. It's irritating. So much.
I don't like it.

ETA:On a somewhat related note I had forgotten how horrible liquor tastes. Ugh. Burns the stomach.