Monday, November 17, 2014

I love a rainy night...

It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring! And the kids are all asleep, even Joshua my little night owl. And David is at work. I love the sound of quiet, only the sound of the rain. 'Tis quite delightful.
I frequently blog only when my brain is too full of nonsense that needs to be expelled. Right now I feel okay, quite content. Therefore I have no idea what to write, but I wanted to make one post  about feeling optimistic and good so that the world knows I don't wander around all gloomy and discouraged all the time. Sometimes I am actually happy, can you imagine?
I had a good evening with my boys, we watched TV snuggled together. What is better that snuggling with your favorite people on a stormy evening? I seriously couldn't pick my favorite kid. They are all so different but wonderful as well. Even when they refuse to eat the banana muffins I made for them. meh.

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