Thursday, November 06, 2014


Filled out paperwork for my new job today, and oddly enough I feel more anxious about it than I did when I went to the interview. I have to do fingerprinting and "fit for duty" physical next week. Once everything comes back alright, I can begin work. And I have another interview on Monday.

I know I have nothing to worry about but I am anyway. Feeling almost paranoid, "do I look okay? I think my shoes are too dirty, I should have pulled my hair into a ponytail, crap I forgot to take out my eyebrow piercing, I really need some new clothes, am I acting nervous, etc. etc. etc. " And when I am nervous I make the most painfully awkward small talk.

Perhaps just normal anxiety about beginning a new job. I just want them to like me. And make a proper first impression and be successful. I want to do well.

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