Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy birthday to Sean!

I can't believe he's one already!!!The party is on Saturday at my mom's.
Where does the time go?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sean, the anti-vegetarian

Good God, my son is a little piggy. I cut some meat off of the ribs that would be perfect for little fingers to pick up and eat. Was that good enough? Of course not. He had to grab the whole stinking rib and stuff it into his mouth like some starving orphan. As you can probably tell from this picture, he is certainly not a light weight.
Oh, and the small plate in front of us was originally piled up with macaroni and cheese which he had already finished off prior to indulging in the ribs.
Oh, and he is officially toddling these days. Every day he walks farther and farther. I clap my hands and say "yay!" and he gets very smiley and tries to clap but he dosen't seem to coordinate the both hands together to actually clap. Eh, he tries. I love him.
On a sad note, one of the patients I have been taking care of for years was dying today and by now may be gone. I said goodbye today but I still feel sad. God bless Ben.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Actually, I like some people...

“I consider myself to be a pretty good judge of people...that's why I don't like any of them.”

Roseanne said this on an old episode of"roseanne" I thought it was so funny. It reminded me of the days when my mom and Gina started the "I hate people club" ( Oh, by the way, Ma, David has joined as well)

How do you solve a problem like Seth?

He'd outpester any pest
Drive a hornet from its nest
He could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl
He is gentle! He is wild! He's a riddle! He's a child!
He's a headache! He's an angel! He's a boy!
How do you solve a problem like Seth?
How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
How do you find a word that means Seth?
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!

"The Sound of Music" fans might recognize these words, I merely substituted "he" for "she" and changed "Maria" for "Seth" but it describes very well how I feel about my boy today.
He will not listen, he talks back. He runs away in public places, he hits his brother. This kid is very intelligent but super stubborn. And David and I are at a loss as to what to do. We yell, we swat his bottom, we send him to his room. We withhold things he likes and tell him we will reward him if he's good. Nothing seems to work. David had to really spank him tonight and he didn't laugh this time. I hate to be a mean parent-maybe that's why he's gotten this bad. I hope he grows out of it. Bleh.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Seth is a ladies man

Today my dad had a cookout at his house and Seth sat down at the table between my brother's girlfriend, Heather, and her sister, Stephanie, and asked them each " Are you my girlfriend?" Then he proclaimed that they were both his girlfriends. He had already asked Heather on Valentine's day. He is quite interested in her because she is "so pretty". Whatever will I do with this kid?

Heather did babysit for us on Valentine's day so that David could take me to the restaurant he works at for dinner. Excellent food and excellent service. And it didn't hurt that we got a complimentary shrimp appetizer and $30 knocked off of the bill since he works there! The filet mignon that I ordered was lovely. Oh, did I add that the shrimp appetizer only contained two shrimp? Don't cry for me though since I think they must have caught those shrimp off the coast of Chernobyl. They were the largest mutant shrimp I had ever seen!

Yesterday I took the boys to the Ringling museum of art in Sarasota- I felt it was about time to introduce them to some culture. I brought my friend Tammy, and I am so glad I did since my boys are quite the handful! Seth enjoyed the paintings for all of five seconds and them didn't want to look at them any more. The place is beautifully landscaped and is on alot of acreage so ,fortunately, there was alot of area for Seth to run around. And for Sean to crawl around-oh, and there was plenty of grass and mulch for Sean to try to eat. Lovely.
So much for cultured kids, they'd both rather play in dirt.

There was plenty of dirt in my dad's backyard today. We all had a grand time at the cookout. Everyone (even the adults) behaved, eh, for the most part... with the exception of Seth but that was only towards the end. I don't know what to do with that kid. I've been thinking again of selling him to the gypsies if he doesn't straighten up.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A bag of Texas?

Today Seth tried to pick up Sean and stated that he felt like a "bag of peanuts". I replied "a bag of peanuts?" To which apparently he changed his mind and decided that his brother was more like a "bag of Texas".Which I thought was strange because I thought it would be pretty difficult to put Texas in a bag- but hey, whatever.
Today I saw Sean playing with a toy car and making "'room 'room" sounds. Yesterday I could've sworn he said chicken. He also "sings" in the bathtub by making "doo doo doo" sounds like he singing a song he doesn't know the words to.
But he won't say " ma ma". What's up with that?
And I think he will be walking pretty soon. Just what I need two boys running around. At least with Sean crawling I'm at an advantage- though not too much of one since he is extremely proficient at the crawling business. That boy can move!

David is at work tonight and I am beginning to despise the quiet after the boys go to bed. I never thought I would feel this way but it's rather lonely when they are sleeping and David is working late. I am all alone.:(

I am enjoying David's job though. He seems to like his job and his co workers and I get to appreciate the cooking tips and recipes that he gets from the chefs that he works with. I am really lucky to have a man that cooks for me, and is so darned good at it! I really think he missed his calling when he went into the flooring business. He should have gone to culinary school.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Only if you are famous..

Are you hospitalized for " exhaustion". Many times I would love a couple days to recoup from my busy life so I can feel healthy and refreshed again. But normal people can't be hospitalized for " exhaustion". I mean you never go to work and hear the conversation," Hey, where's Joe?.Haven't seen him lately?"
" Oh, I heard he's in the hospital-exhaustion, ya' know. He has been working alot of extra shifts lately."
"Too bad, I 've gotta send him some flowers or something. You know, my cousin was hospitalized for that last month-she's got six kids and an alcoholic husband. Good thing she got some treatment for her exhaustion"

I saw a progress note from one of my patients today where he described to his physician that he felt "like a wet dishrag"
I think that is a lovely description. Very descriptive without being at all specific. Does that make sense?
Sometimes I feel like a wet dishrag. Sometimes I feel like I could sleep for days!
I am so happy with everything right now but I am just feeling so run down and tired. Is this simply because I am a mother of two small boys that works full time and in her "spare time" cleans up the house and tries to keep the bills paid?
Or am I simply suffering from " exhaustion"?

Friday, February 01, 2008

I wish kisses cured every hurt.

Isn't this baby cute? I love baby laughter.:)