Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sean, the anti-vegetarian

Good God, my son is a little piggy. I cut some meat off of the ribs that would be perfect for little fingers to pick up and eat. Was that good enough? Of course not. He had to grab the whole stinking rib and stuff it into his mouth like some starving orphan. As you can probably tell from this picture, he is certainly not a light weight.
Oh, and the small plate in front of us was originally piled up with macaroni and cheese which he had already finished off prior to indulging in the ribs.
Oh, and he is officially toddling these days. Every day he walks farther and farther. I clap my hands and say "yay!" and he gets very smiley and tries to clap but he dosen't seem to coordinate the both hands together to actually clap. Eh, he tries. I love him.
On a sad note, one of the patients I have been taking care of for years was dying today and by now may be gone. I said goodbye today but I still feel sad. God bless Ben.

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