Friday, September 29, 2006

My son is strange.

He is stranger than strange. He constantly places his matchbox cars on the edge of something with one or two wheels hanging off the edge then he comes to me and insists that i see that his car is " stuck" . He does this over and over constantly placing his little cars in constant peril. Weird.
He also has decided to stop napping, and, boy, would I like a nap. I am worn out by him!
I want to go to the mall to get some clothes that fit but I cannot go with Seth because I have to try them on and I just don't think that would work out. David is stopping at the pub and then it didn't sound as if he was keen on the idea of going to the mall with me so maybe I will just leave the two of them here and i will go...alone!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I went to the Dr. today to find out the results of my cultures and fortunately they were both neg. Dr. thinks I had a low grade staph infection. It's clearing up nicely now. But that's not making me miserable.
I feel good, I am sleeping well, everything should be okay,right? Lately it seems I can't stop worrying about everything!
-I don't have any maternity clothes that fit, they are all too big so now I need to buy smaller ones but i don't have any money until tomorrow! WAAH!
- I want to re-do my kitchen but I have to get rid of David's glass and shot glass collection and I don't have anywhere to put them so i have to keep looking at them.,WAAH!
- I want David to fix up the garage so we can get the computer room ready for the baby before it's born ( in 5 months) but he keeps dragging his feet and nothing ever gets done and I'm tired of him starting projects that he doesn't finish.WAAHH!
- The cat has tapeworm but she refuses to take her pill and meanwhile she disgusts me and I don't want her near me. WAAH
- I am so tired of fleas! We need to spray the yard for pests but I ( again) don't have money for it.WAAH
- I'm tired of David not picking up after himself. I'm tired of being the maid.WAAH.
- I deposited $50 in the bank and they charged us $33 for overdraft fees so now we are still broke and it's all my fault and I'm tired of being behind on bills. I know we over spend but there is always something that we NEED. I wish someone else would deal with my finances. WAAH
-I wanted to schedule my U/S as close to David's current job as possible so he could get there easily but now he says he might not be able to make it. I'm pissed about that. WAAH.
- I feel like such a bad parent because I am so stressed out lately.

I even had a lovely massage last night but it was only a very temporary fix. I feel tense as ever.
I think I need a day at a spa or something. Seth is such a good boy and all he wants is for me to watch "Finding Nemo" with him but I am too busy feeling sorry for my miserable self that i can't relax. I cried at work yesterday because the computer wasn't working and I was frustrated. What the hell is wrong with me?

Monday, September 25, 2006

I don't wanna find Nemo anymore!

This is Seth's new obsession. From morning until night he says " Nemo, Nemo!" He will watch that movie over and over all day. Yes, it's a cute movie and it's beautiful to look at but i wish he'd have some variety.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

My most recent appointment...

Was last Wednesday. Everything was normal, normal, normal. Good BP, urine was negative, fetal heartbeat was superb. I am measuring just right. But I have gained 11 lbs. since I found out I was pregnant. Ick. I need to S L O W down so i don't end up as big as a house. I just feel so hungry all the time. I can't stop...Food is just SO GOOD!
I also asked the Doc about the bug bite on my back. I first noticed it last Sunday at work, it was a rather large welt that was quite irritated by my bra strap so it kept bugging me. By Wed. it hadn't gone down so my OB suggested I go to a general Dr. in case I requred antibiotics. At the walk- in clinic they weren't sure what it was so they did cultures and ,of course, gave me antibiotics. When i went back on friday the viral culyres weren't back yet but the Dr. told me to put vit E and aloe on it because the skin was cracked. Right now it itches like mad. It's still a bit red and slightly raised. Have to go back to Dr. on Wed. Hopefully it's gone by then.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I feel better.

After a bathed Seth I chased his naked self throught he house pretending like I couldn't catch him to dress him. We were laughing hysterically! I finally "caught" him and dressed him on the bed and then he proceded to bury me in all the pillows on the bed and jump on them. I haven't laughed so hard in a while! Laughter IS the best medicine. Meanwhile david is outside mowing, edging, trimming, cleaning, organizing,etc.
I may not have alot of money but I have a great husband and the most awesome kid around!!!

i am the biggest loser.

I paid $160.00 worth of bills that I don't have.I miscalculated and now I am screwed. Usually any overdraft comes off of my credit card but that is maxed as well. I just paid $200.00 on it but that all went to finance charges and late fees. So there goes that option. I was ready to deposit all of Seth's piggy bank money but my mom said she'd would lend me the money, so i am going to deposit it first thing on Monday. I totally suck and I just want to cry because I am so ashamed. We had plenty of money too we just bought too much stuff and then it was gone!
Then I yelled at Seth because he has been whining nonstop for the last couple hours and I have had it!!!! You see, he refused to nap today and now I have to pay the price. He's grumpy and I'm cranky. Thank goodness David is here to straighten us out!
Anyway I highly dislike myself right now. I am an idiot.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Anniversary dinners, eye Drs. and good health..

On friday evening we ate at Porto Bellos in Burnt Store marina. We dropped $80 but it was totally worth it. The food was wonderful, presentation was lovely, service great. I gobbled up a beautiful filet mignon and wonderful mashed potatoes. I don't remember what David had,I was too busy eating. These days i am all about food.
The more the better!I'm feeling so good i forget I am pregnant. I have energy and an enormous appetite. My skin is clearing up and my headaches have disappeared. I don't feel irritable and sleepy all the time..and yes, I can sleep at night! I wish my entire pregnancy was this great.
I have this overwhelming desire to redo the house. i have so many plans but, unfortunately, not enough money to actually purchase the house stuff I want. I have found some nice outlet and switch plates that i want to put in the kitchen and i would like to get a nice wallpaper border to place around the top of the wall in the kitchen. I'd like to find something with some grape vines or something. If i could get a china cabinet for Davids glass collection then i could place some fake ivy or vines across the top of the cabinets. I really want to go for that whole italian restaraunt feel,you know? maybe at K mart i could find some inexpensive stuff.
I just need to get David to finish tiling the walls and countertops in the kitchen. It drives me nuts how he starts something and doesn't finish for a year. I hate to be a nag. Heck, if i knew how to tile,I 'd do it myself.
My eye dr. appt. went well. My eyes ARE a little worse than a year ago but the Dr. thought maybe it was related to my pregnancy. I guess my eye pressure is still down though. I really don't want Glaucoma at a young age.
Seth is sleeping to i'm going to eat my sundae. I am going to be HUGE at this rate. But the bad foods taste so good! Eh, I am almost 15 weeks pregnant and I've only gained 5 lbs. That's not so bad is it? Unfortunately it's all in my butt! maybe if i do some extra walking around the neigborhood i can keep my butt in near normal proportions. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have permission to morph into a 200 pound blob. I want to gain wait at a proper rate and be healthy. But i still want that sundae!