Sunday, September 24, 2006

My most recent appointment...

Was last Wednesday. Everything was normal, normal, normal. Good BP, urine was negative, fetal heartbeat was superb. I am measuring just right. But I have gained 11 lbs. since I found out I was pregnant. Ick. I need to S L O W down so i don't end up as big as a house. I just feel so hungry all the time. I can't stop...Food is just SO GOOD!
I also asked the Doc about the bug bite on my back. I first noticed it last Sunday at work, it was a rather large welt that was quite irritated by my bra strap so it kept bugging me. By Wed. it hadn't gone down so my OB suggested I go to a general Dr. in case I requred antibiotics. At the walk- in clinic they weren't sure what it was so they did cultures and ,of course, gave me antibiotics. When i went back on friday the viral culyres weren't back yet but the Dr. told me to put vit E and aloe on it because the skin was cracked. Right now it itches like mad. It's still a bit red and slightly raised. Have to go back to Dr. on Wed. Hopefully it's gone by then.

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