Saturday, September 16, 2006

i am the biggest loser.

I paid $160.00 worth of bills that I don't have.I miscalculated and now I am screwed. Usually any overdraft comes off of my credit card but that is maxed as well. I just paid $200.00 on it but that all went to finance charges and late fees. So there goes that option. I was ready to deposit all of Seth's piggy bank money but my mom said she'd would lend me the money, so i am going to deposit it first thing on Monday. I totally suck and I just want to cry because I am so ashamed. We had plenty of money too we just bought too much stuff and then it was gone!
Then I yelled at Seth because he has been whining nonstop for the last couple hours and I have had it!!!! You see, he refused to nap today and now I have to pay the price. He's grumpy and I'm cranky. Thank goodness David is here to straighten us out!
Anyway I highly dislike myself right now. I am an idiot.

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