Friday, January 07, 2022

Hunter K.

Hey look it's another Hunter! There's only two I promise. They were both very different. This Hunter, like the last one, I matched on Tinder. He was hot. I thought so. So Hunter shows up at my house with a big SUV and I hop in. I figured we would park at a nature park nearby. I discovered it once when I was looking to wander through nature trails. This park wasn't too far from me and wasn't very busy except for occasional kayakers that took a different drive way to the water. The parking lot was hidden from the busy road so the only people that would see us were people coming to the park. Just kayakers. Nobody actually walked this nature trail it seemed. So it was a good spot. 
So Hunter looked young. Very good looking but clean shaven. I told him that. He actually showed me his ID to prove he was actually 24. Then I felt a little bit better. We went to the park and did our thing and I came home. We had a good time and he tried to hit me up again another time but I was on my period and he didn't want to do it. Eh, some guys do care, and some guys don't care. Most of the time they didn't  care. Turns out he was friends with another guy I matched with on Tinder and they talked about maybe a threesome that never came to happen. I'm not sure if I would've felt okay with that. When it gets to things like that it's best if it's people you trust, you know? 
I saw Hunter again at the Pearl in Englewood one night. I was sitting outside with David and Hunter walks up and I'm checking him out while he checks me out. He says, "Today's my birthday." so I smile and wish him a happy birthday.  I think by this point David realizes that I know this guy. And he wasn't happy I was flirting with Hunter. So David says something about it and goes inside pissed. And Hunter looks at me through the window wanting me to message him. And he did the next day. But we weren't able to get together for some reason. I would have. 
David is my number one cockblocker. 

Aftermath: Hunter unadded me on Snapchat after that next day and I wasn't able to contact him to get together another time. Oh well. I never heard from him again. But his friend is still on my Instagram.

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