You probably could have guessed that I don't follow any religion. I stopped years ago. I tried to do everything properly for years. I tried to be "good" and when I wasn't good enough I felt the guilt that let me know I wasn't good enough. I prayed regularly. I prayed when things were horrible and I had no money. I prayed when times were tough. I prayed when things seemed low. But nothing ever seemed any better. And I didn't feel better. I felt like whatever god had abandoned me when I needed help. And then I looked around and I saw all the horrible things throughout the world and wondered what kind of god would permit that? What kind of god would permit innocent children and babies die at the hands of abuse? And WTF is up with childhood cancers? What sick god thought that up? And did this same god look away during the Holocaust? All my life church says that Jesus is coming back soon but isn't 2000 years enough time? And why doesn't he show himself or prove himself then? All the miracles in the bible but yet not one in thousands of years.
Maybe because it's all made up by men. The bible is an elaborate work of fiction to support a religion. A religion like so many others. I was raised that Christianity was the one proper religion. But maybe it's Hinduism or Muslim, or Sikh, or Judaism. Seriously most major religions are all worshipping the same one god really. The god of Abraham. It's all the same guys! It just has different traditions. And how many people throughout history have been killed because of religion. They have been fighting in the middle east since time began. You all need to get your shit together and forget it all. Just be Humanists. Be good to each other and live a life of peace and harmony without any deity or weird traditions to get in the way.
Can you imagine? No televangelists scamming people out of their last few dollars. No bizarre cults trying to prey on the weak minded. No fighting over which god is better. No brainwashing children. No child marriages. And no religion to hold back science and progression in society. Nobody telling me that my daughter is anything but a wonderful person. Because anyone that has hate for a sweet 17 year old transgender girl is not a part of any loving religion.
We'll never get rid of greed but there are plenty of people that claim they are religious that have plenty of greed and evil. And people believe their lies because they claim to be religious. That doesn't mean anything. My dad used to judge people based on whether they were a Christian or not. I've found it doesn't say much about an individual. There are good and bad ones.
When I realized religion didn't add up for me it was if a huge weight was lifted from my chest. All that guilt over not being perfect enough was gone. I just have to live to be a decent person for me. But it's okay to have fun. It's okay to enjoy life. I'm not perfect and I don't want to be and that's okay. I have a good heart and I love my little family and I don't have to make anyone happy but them. I don't have to spend my life being good enough for a god somewhere out in the universe.
I can enjoy my life because this is the only one I'll even have. I believe after I die, I'm gone from the world. So I'm going to get the most out of this life.
Besides, the idea of my ancestors watching down on me always creeped me out.
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