Tuesday, November 30, 2021


This is a different Michael, I know it gets so confusing with these duplicate names! Michael and I hung out a lot. We only had sex twice but we use to hang out much more frequently than that. For weeks I would go over to his house or I would pick Michael up on Wednesdays. We would just hang out and talk. Maybe go to the park and sit on a park bench and make out. Or sit on the pier at Port Charlotte beach. I don't know what we were doing at all. Sometimes he would buy me fast food for lunch. Neither of us had a lot of money so we were very frugal. I guess we both just wanted someone else to hang out with. And he didn't make any moves to have sex with me until we had been hanging out for awhile honestly. He was unusual in that sense. Maybe he needed to know me better? David started making it more and more difficult for us to hang out and we just stopped. I was pretty sad about that because Michael was pretty cool and it was nice to have a friend just to do stuff with that easy going and chill.

Aftermath: Several months after we stopped hanging out I sent him a message just checking up on him and he was doing good. I haven't heard from him since.
I just received a message from him a couple days ago and we talked a bit. He's really a great person and I had almost forgotten why I had liked him so much. He's just so easy to talk to. And he had been through a lot of shit in his life by the time he was in his early 20s when I met him so he had a level of maturity that many other twentysomthings didn't have so I think that may have been another reason we got along so well. As much as I liked the younger men I did find that many did lack maturity and that is to be expected in that age group. I appreciated Michael's maturity for his young age. He'd been living on his own since his teens so life hadn't been easy for him but he managed. He had a good outlook though. 

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