Sunday, November 21, 2021


 Brandon was 20 years old, He had blonde hair and a nice body and a big dick. I really don't remember much more about him. He was from Fort Myers so we met in South Punta Gorda and tried to go to the same closed down super market that Tom had showed me, that I had also brought Aras to. But this time there were cops cruising around and we didn't want any part of that. So we ended up in the far end of a Home Depot parking lot, that was open and fairly busy by the way. We parked our cars next to each other and he got in my back seat and went at it for maybe 10 minutes. It wasn't horrible for a quickie. Then Brandon got out and left. Never to be seen again. I usually would leave a message to all my guys afterward, thanking them and telling them I had fun. But before I had a chance to with Brandon- he had already unadded me from Snapchat. I wondered about that, he seemed cool. But I think goodbye cya later isn't Brandon's style. He got what he came for. 

Aftermath: never heard from Brandon again.

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