Sunday, March 29, 2009

"hair" today-gone tomorrow?

Okay, so he title is super lame. I can't think of anything else right now.
Only in the last couple days have the boys and myself been feeling a bit better from our month-and-a-half-long cold that we've had. Actually it was two colds back to back. Sucked big time. I truly think my house needs to be disinfected after all of that!
So yesterday I decided it was just about time for Sean to have a hair cut. I could not take him to my hair cutting place since they told me once before that they don't get "hazard pay" so I made him an appt. at a place called Lollipop kids that specializes in kids. It was a wonderful experience! They had neat chairs for the kids to sit in and a TV with cartoons to watch at the hair cutting station. Also, a play area for the kids while they wait and afterwards. Best of all, the hairdressers were patient and experienced with kids so it all went very smoothly. Now Sean has a big boy hair cut and he looks so handsome.
Today we went to Mamaw's for a visit since we haven't seen her in a while. We had a great time and the boys had fun.

Mamaw told me yesterday that she hasn't been feeling as well for a while now. She told me that she is going to see her Dr. soon so I hope they can't figure it out. But I think she is just slowing down. She seemed okay to me today, but I do think my brother helps her out alot around the house and for that I am grateful.
She will be 82 tomorrow so I guess she is allowed to slow down. But I don't like to think that eventually she will die. It was difficult for me to even type that since I don't want to think about it. But David told me that I should accept the inevitable or I will have a more difficult time when she actually does go. Which I hope isn't for quite a few more years... People can't live forever. Even though I think some people, like my mamaw, should.
That is one thing, of many, that stinks about getting older. Every one else gets older, too. I even see my parents aging. I know I can't rely on them to be around forever. So, I am thankful I have my own little family, my three boys that drive me nuts-David, Seth, and Sean. I love them so much.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My 5 day vacation is turning into 7 days...

Seth and Sean are still little sickies with runny noses and goopy eyes and low grade temps. Sooo, I am taking tomorrow off since they can not return to day care yet. Hopefully, Thursday-which happens to be my day off anyway!
Oh, how I miss work-can't you see the tears running down my face..
I really enjoy hanging out at home with my boys, they have been really good. And my house stays nice and clean while I'm home.
On Friday the boys went to day care and I cleaned and did tons of laundry. And went to a meeting at work.
Saturday, we took the boys to Lowe's and browsed a bit. we only spent a couple bucks but the boys love the look around that store! Then I took them to the playground in Punta Gorda.
Sunday, we went to the seafood Festival in Punta Gorda and had a very fun time-the weather was beautiful- and it was cheap entertainment!
They both started to be sick on Sunday evening, so actually I am glad I had taken the extra days off to stay home with them.
It's been a good time actually.

Dumb Facebook has me addicted!

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Jennifer Dreyer's Facebook profile

Friday, March 13, 2009

I had the most bizarre dream.

I dreamt that my sister broke the news to me that little Sean was adopted-I was crushed to learn of this info. I am not quite sure why that, in the dream, I did not know that of my own child. In my dream it suddenly occurred to me that did not have any memory of his birth!
In an odd twist, I did recall my neice, Amber's birth. Because I had given birth to her and gave her to my sister to raise.
Weird. But Seth really was my child all along. No mistaking that, since he looks just like me!

Um , to anyone who is confused-I remind you that this was all a dream. I honestly DID actually produce Seth AND Sean and my sister actually DID produce my neice, Amber.

Oh, surely it is Friday the 13th..

The last friday the 13th that was truly frightening was Augest 13, 2004, the day Hurricane Charley swept through town leaving much of the town in shambles. But hey, that was a lifetime ago, it seems. So Friday the 13! doesn not bother me.
So far it's been rather lovely.
I'm off for a few days, I have the house to myself, I may just take a bubble bath in the middle of the day! Or walk around the house naked. Or jump rope. Or sing. Or anything else I can think of that I wouldn't do with other witnesses around..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One more day...

I have only one more day of work until I am off for five days. If I can make it. Today I had noticed that my unit manager has taped a face pain scale to the nurses station, you know, 1 equals no pain 10 as severe. Only this one has faces on it so you can judge a persons pain based on their facial expression. I joked we could use it to rate how well the day is going. the pain descriptions were a little different than the one shown here. My day started out "distressed" (2)when one of the student CNA's transferred a resident incorrectly and put a gash in her leg so we had to send her out for stitches. My day ended as "excruciating"(5) when one of my residents pulled out his PICC line halfway through the administration of his IV antibiotic. It was a day that I definitely felt like I deserved a raise.
Afterwards, I took Sean to the pediatrician to get a Dr. note allowing him back into day care. Of course, his eyes were as clear as could be. The Dr. ( who wasn't his regular Dr.) was more concerned about his eczema, I assured her that what she was seeing today was the best it has been in a long time, so that was the least of my worries.
I had an appointment for him to see Dr. yesterday but foolishly cancelled it when his eyes were so clear for 24 hours. Then yesterday afternoon they strated to get all goopy again-at day care- which is how I ended up having to get the Dr. note that he was okay. He was miserable at the Dr. It certainly didn't help that we waited an hour. He wanted to play with the computer in the exam room, the sink, the cotton balls, the hand soap, the garbage can, I was already exhausted froom my lovely day at work, so I was not in my greatest mood.
Anyway, skip to three hours later and you would find me relaxing in a bathtub full of bubbles that smell like lavender and my smelly candle nearby as I did the newspaper crossword. Delightful, I assure you.
Sure, it annoys me when my husband talks while he's yawning in the morning,("What the heck did you say again!?") Or blows his nose in the kitchen while I'm eating breakfast(eww)
But he lets me relax whenever I feel I need it. And boy did I need it today.
Ho hum, here's to hoping tomorrow is better that today was...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

"pink" eyes ARE really pink!

I do believe that Sean has conjunctivitis. Especially in his R eye. It has a moderate amount of mucousy drainage and it is rather inflamed. Poor little guy-he just catches everything! He still on his antibiotics for his bilateral ear infections,BTW-Dr. put him on another round since his infections hadn't completely resolved.
Meanwhile, Seth hasn't ever needed any antibiotics (knock on wood). I've lost track of how many times Sean has. Damned ear infections...I guess a couple in a year isn't too horrible.
Now the eye though. Fortunately I was able to resort to my child care emergency back up plan and call my mom to watch Sean tomorrow. I figured there wasn't any way I was going to be able to sneak him into day care without them noticing the draining eye. They would take one look and say,"Hells, no!, that child needs to go on home!"
My mom is going to call the Dr. tomorrow while I am at work and try to get Sean in for Tuesday. I just hope Seth doesn't get it. It's bad enough that David said, "I think I'm going to catch it, my eyes have been really itchy" ( Remember, he lives in David World where, no matter what happens, it always comes back to him in some way, and don't ever complain to him because his life is always much worse)

Oh, he is working these days!! Hooray! Yahoo! He is doing the house remodeling thing and getting paid about $180.00 per week. Not bad. Certainly helps out alot. I am so glad that he is working-you can not even imagine the amount of stress it has relieved me of. Thank God. But two of the guys that he works with are severe alcoholics and I kind of don't like David to be too tempted, y'know. He says they influence him in a positive manner because he sees how they act and he doesn't want to be like them. And he has never, ever been one to drink liquor very much or drank in the early part of the day(to my knowledge)
But i just don't want him to pick up any worse habits than the one's he already has.

Suddenly, I am tired. I worked 16 hours yesterday and 8 today and still have 8 more tomorrow before I have a day off so I suppose I had better sleep. Sleep is good.