Seth has been driving me nuts lately! He does not want to cooperate with anything. If we go out in public I have to have him in the stroller or shopping cart because if he walks he will run away from me and ignore me when i call him. He fights with me when I dress or change him. He constantly unmakes all the beds in the house and throws the pillows on the floor. I had to take away his crayons because he would much rather draw on the walls or on his toys than his coloring book. He begs for food and then when he gets it he takes a bite and the rest is crumbled on the floor. I put his food in bowls and give him a fork but he just dumps it out and eats it with his hands. He whines and gets mad when he is obviously exhausted but refuses to nap. He runs everywhere!! It almost seems like his constant goal is to make a mess, a big one! I cannot figure out where I went wrong, he is still a nice,friendly kid and plays well with others but how come he's so destructive all the time? Why doesn't he LISTEN when I say "no!" or "stop that!" I know he can hear me. Is he destined to be a bad kid? Is it just the "terrible" twos?
So far Sean is the easiest baby ever. He is absolutely NOTHING like Seth was. I think God figured we had enough on our hands with Seth, so he'd better give us a break with this one! I am very glad he decided to spare us this time! Two Seths would be enough to drive anyone crazy!
Sean goes to sleep very easily. He only wakes once in the night these days. He's easy to entertain and is a very happy baby. He likes his bouncy seat, his swing, or simply just to lie anywhere near Mama or Dada. He loves to eat. He smiles and squeals easily. He's a delight to be around and cute as a button.
Now if only Seth could learn how to calm down a little...
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