Friday, May 18, 2007


I finally got down to 134lbs! It's not the goal by any means but it's the lightest I've weighed since probably sometimes last fall. It seemed like I was stuck at 135lbs. for the longest time.
Stress has completely destroyed my appetite. Honestly, it's the best diet ever. Well, that and a little touch of the Norovirus (stomach flu) that has been spreading throught the nursing home like wild fire lately. I'm not sure if the nausea I experienced the other day was stress or flu. Who cares!! I weigh 134!
I want to lose 10 more pounds and then I will be content. And hopefully fit into all of my clothing again. Next paycheck I am going to get a few summer outfits. You know, shorts and T-shirts, nothing fancy..Old Navy if I can catch a sale.:)

1 comment:

Geekette said...

YAY!!!! Hopefully the other pesky pounds will just melt away.