I like to think that there is but far too often I find that the future seems bleak and quite dim. Yes, sometimes I laugh and almost feel normal but I mostly just feel like I am suffering from extreme anxiety. Especially if I have a chance to be alone and think for a couple minutes. I have a battle going on in my head between rational thought and my overwhelming emotions. I don't like it.
My sons give me hope and I truly wish I could provide for them in a manner that they deserve. I have contacted my mortgage provider and submitted paperwork and information about my sistuation in hopes that i can get some type of help. If they let me skip a payment or let me pay a smaller payment for a month or two it would be a huge help.
I have spoken to the dietary manager at work about getting David a position as a dishwasher or cook. He said for David to fill out an application and for me to give him my husband's name so he can look for the application. It's low pay, but better than no pay. David is also going to a restaurant tommorow to talk to someone about another job. We'll see what happens. Hopefully something good.
There is also less than two weeks until my 30th birthday. Nothing like the big 3-0 to kick me when I am already down. Now I'm old AND poor. Bleh.
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