Friday, February 23, 2007

Will it be a weekend baby?

At my last appointment on Wed. I was still 1 cm., 50% effaced. Still no progress. My next appt. is scheduled for March 2 for the Dr. to strip my membranes so I can avoid the awful Pitocin crap.
I have been feeling crappy for the last two days. My appetite has been extremely poor and I was feverish a couple night ago. Very achy yesterday. Today I awoke feeling alright but passed a big glob of icky mucus this morning and have been feeling occasional discomfort in my lower belly and lower back. Does it mean something or doesn't it? I guess I just have to wait and see.
I honestly just don't feel right so I think somethings up.

1 comment:

Geekette said...

I hope its this weekend. It sure sounds like how it was for me with Vivian. *hugs* Maybe this weekend. :) How exciting!!