Sunday, February 18, 2007

I can't imagine where he gets it from..

Picture it: the rock station is playing on the digital cable. One cute two year old boy dancing and bopping his little head while he pretends to play a very small plastic toy guitar.
If you are picturing it like I saw it, it's quite an adorable site. He loves music, and he's watched Daddy play his guitar and sing enough times to want to imitate him. I am very proud of my boys, especially since my family is musically challenged. That's not to say we don't enjoy our tunes but don't ask us to dance or sing. It's certainly not pretty!
That aside I am feeling large and slow more and more by the day. I have three work days left until my leave begins and I am ready!
baby is squirming and stretching all the time. I am not having any contractions or even Braxton-Hicks contractions lately. I kinda wish I would because I am becoming anxious to have my energy back. And I wouldn't miss having to urinate constantly either. THAT got very old months ago. I don't enjoy spending half of my day in the bathroom.
I have this fear that I will go a week beyond my due date and I will have to be induced anyway. My mom is predicting Feb. 25 or 26. I'm going to go out on a limb and predict March 1st just for the heck of it.

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