Saturday, November 11, 2006

So how am I feeling?

Thanks for asking... I am feeling pretty good most days. No more dizziness since last Monday. I get achiness in my back and hips occasionally throughout the day but for the most part I am my best in the morning. I certainly have poor endurance, toward the end of my work day i feel myself moving slower and slower. And it is just going to get worse before it gets better.
I feel alot of movement, sometimes it hurts and I have to rub my belly to get the baby to move to a postion that is more comfy for me. I like to feel the movement though.
In the last week people have actually been asking me if i am pregnant. I am certain that i have looked pregnant for awhile now but maybe it's so obvious now that people feel okay asking.
I certainly can't hide it any longer!
4 more months and there is so much to do. I need a crib and to clean out the garage so i can clear out the room for the baby. David just drags his feet with everything. I have to keep nagging. He always has an excuse, granted he has good excuses but I want to get the nursery set up now!

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