Wednesday, May 31, 2006

June 1st is a lovely day to be born...

My sis called me to tell me that she is going in to be induced tomorrow at 1100! I am sooo excited! In 24 hours, I will be an aunt! I can't tell anyone( except David) because it is a secret but I am absolutely thrilled.
My birthday is in 1 week, I will be 29 years old! Today i made the reservations for the hotel. We will be within walking distance of Universal Studios. We haven't spent a night away withou Seth since our anniversary in September. It's about time. Note to self: don't drink so much that I pass out without any nookie.
Today Seth and I went to the park in Punta Gorda again. Seth walked in the water, eventually sitting in it in his sunsuit! Next time I will just put his swim suit on and let him wade in the water. It was rather hot but pleasant there by the water. The breeze off the harbor really lowers the extremely hot temperature and makes for a lovely day.
David was working out in PGI so I dropped his lunch off on the way. That's all I 've seen of him today since he's at band practice.
We have a new kitty that we've decided to name Squibb. Squibb is a PIA during the night and likes to sleep on my head. In the several times I removed her from that location and placed her on the floor she scratched the heck outout of my hand. Ick!
I showed Seth my boo-boo and he kissed it and said "hurts?" .

I love that little boy.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

My mom and Seth.

A few years back my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer with metastasis to the lymph nodes. She went through chemotherapy and radiation, you know, the works. As a result she ended up with radiation poisoning which prevented her hair from completely growing back among some other things. Therefore, she always wears a baseball cap to cover her very thin head of hair.
She babysits him on the days I work so she has had a hand in teaching him many words, and for that I am most fortunate. Apparently he is fascinated with her hat and always asks " Whats that?" Of course she tells him" hat". Well now he seems to think that anything on top of your head is a hat. I try to tell him " head" or "hair" but he just says " hat". To him he points at my hair and says " hat". Sometimes he will place one of his rings on top of his head and announce " hat". He's so strange...

In any case, I will take this moment to record for posterity that...I LOVE MY MOM!!!

I know she won't read this but, I will tell her tomorrow. Happy Mother's Day ,Mom! You are the best. I couldn't have chosen a better mom if I tried. I'm glad to have her, and hope to have her in my ( and Seth's) life for many more years.....

My 50 bucks was found!!

I received a call from Toni at work telling me that someone turned it in. How lucky am I that I work at such a honest place. I am very grateful.

Friday, May 12, 2006

I lost 50 bucks

David had just given it to me and I went to my work with the boy to turn in some paperwork. Well Once I got in the door I realized that it was gone. I am so mad at myself right now.I have checked everywhere. Grrrr....

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The wonders of Lexapro

Aside from this crappy cold I have had lately I have been feeling really good. Physically and mentally. I just am not sure if I have improved those areas of my life that were bugging me or is it because I upped my dosage of my antidepressant medication. Even my coworker commented to me that I have changed. He stated " You used to be so angry" And I wholeheartedly agree. I was more than happy to participate in any whine-fest anywhere, anytime. Now I would prefer not to. Whine-fests bring me down and I don't want to hear it. I don't feel as grumpy toward my husband either. Actually I feel more loving toward him than I have in a while. Is it the Lexapro? I don't know ,but I certainly can't complain.
I have a cold right now that is a pain in my butt. I think that the worst is over ,but I feel so run down and blah. Everytime I try to lie down for a while Seth grabs the blanket off of me and says, "Come!" I can't stay in one place for too long with him around. He's just as cute as can be!
My sister's baby shower was Sunday and she made out pretty well. I can't believe that in a little less than a month that my little sis will have a baby! I am so excited! I cannot wait to hold the little baby in my arms. They don't know the gender so I am hoping for a boy but I have a feeling that it's a girl. I also am hoping that it is born on June 8. The due date is June 6 but the 8th is my birthday and also Jason's (her husband) birthday. He is exactly one year younger than me. Anyway i think that would be so cool.

Monday, May 01, 2006

My myspace site....

David sorta discovered Myspace and started a profile. I decided to as well. It's kinda neat. I'm still working on personalizing it but I have a couple pics and some info there. I'm not sure if I wasnt to get the blog started...How am I going to keep up two blogs!!! Anyway if anyone reads this check it out and add me to your friends if you have a site, too.

Check me out!