I had to sneak Brian out of his family's house in Rotonda, well I had to park down the road in the dark while he snuck out. A grown ass man sneaking out of the house. He was really cute and nice. We went to Rotonda Park and got in the back seat. According to my notes the sex was good. So I must not be lying to myself. Brian was good. I remember trying to see him in the darkness and looking out my back window to back sure nobody was coming to the park. He was only visiting family in town.
Aftermath: A year later I was working at The Lighthouse Grill I saw this younger guy come in with a bunch of middle aged people, the guy is wearing big dark sunglasses and a straw hat and super preppy clothes. I say to my coworker, " That guy look like a douchebag." As I walked by the table the guy is checking me out and smiling. And the older guy next to him, too. Little weird, but guys check me out, so what. When I brought him his food the younger guy was definitely looking at me. After work I get a Facebook message from Brian. It was him! Of course I didn't recognize him with the sunglasses on and last time I saw the guy it was in almost complete darkness soooo. But I still felt really foolish that I didn't recognize this guy I had sex with. I got his Snapchat and I sent him some pics and he sent me some pics for a few days and then we lost touch. He's still on my Snapchat. I'm still wondering why the older guy at the restaurant was smiling too, did he tell his dad about me? " Hey dad, I banged that server a year ago" "Good job son, love those busty redheads haha" 🤣🤣
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