Saturday, October 18, 2014

Yay, America is #30!!

 In healthcare that is. True story.

Remember all the American pride you were taught in school, told by your culture. We are big on patriotism and American pride here. People say "we are the land of the free, we are a democracy!!"

Which actually isn't true, we are a Republic, and we are not the only free country by far, actually there are countries free-er than us.
I wonder what they teach their population in other countries? "Yay Luxembourg! We are number 25, Woooooo!!!!"

The above link leads to an article explaining that the US is only # 1 in violence and exporting weapons, oh and income inequality...can't forget that. Maybe prison population as well.

We are way down the list as far as healthcare, life expectancy, education, environmental issues, childhood poverty, about everything not having to do with weapons and bombing other countries. Our military is larger than any other on Earth. For the money we spend on military we could probably educate and give healthcare to every person in this country. Instead of policing the world, maybe we should take care of our own issues for once. We certainly have plenty.

No wonder other countries hate us, we are violent.. People in some countries probably spend their entire life afraid of us, wondering if we are going to bomb their house any day. Maybe years and decades of wars have created these extremists that want to kill Americans. I suppose if for your entire life France was bombing your country , you might hate French people...
Maybe we are the terrorists to them?
Maybe we are the bad guys to the rest of the world.

I hear people saying that soldiers are fighting for our freedom. But really? How does a terrorist organization on the other side of the world affect our freedom? I saw a documentary about the Vietnam war and someone mentioned how the soldiers were fighting for our freedom. What? A civil war between the Vietnams affected our freedoms how?

It almost seems cult-like to require children to say the Pledge of allegiance. the monotone reciting while facing the US flag. It almost looks like something I would see required of Chinese citizens. Many other countries do not have a pledge of allegiance. They may have a national anthem to sin, but that is all. To some people from other countries, watching Americans say the pledge looks a little like mindless brainwashing.

Is it wrong to lack pride in one's country? I don't hate it. It's a beautiful country, lots of wonderful , intelligent people are here. I just think there is quite a bit of room for improvement. Stop trying to convince the people that we are the best, because there are other countries that are better, the people are happier and healthier and smarter. I think it could be us..if we knew how to manage our resources better and put our people's needs and wants over wars and violence.

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