I do believe that Sean has conjunctivitis. Especially in his R eye. It has a moderate amount of mucousy drainage and it is rather inflamed. Poor little guy-he just catches everything! He still on his antibiotics for his bilateral ear infections,BTW-Dr. put him on another round since his infections hadn't completely resolved.
Meanwhile, Seth hasn't ever needed any antibiotics (knock on wood). I've lost track of how many times Sean has. Damned ear infections...I guess a couple in a year isn't too horrible.
Now the eye though. Fortunately I was able to resort to my child care emergency back up plan and call my mom to watch Sean tomorrow. I figured there wasn't any way I was going to be able to sneak him into day care without them noticing the draining eye. They would take one look and say,"Hells, no!, that child needs to go on home!"
My mom is going to call the Dr. tomorrow while I am at work and try to get Sean in for Tuesday. I just hope Seth doesn't get it. It's bad enough that David said, "I think I'm going to catch it, my eyes have been really itchy" ( Remember, he lives in David World where, no matter what happens, it always comes back to him in some way, and don't ever complain to him because his life is always much worse)
Oh, he is working these days!! Hooray! Yahoo! He is doing the house remodeling thing and getting paid about $180.00 per week. Not bad. Certainly helps out alot. I am so glad that he is working-you can not even imagine the amount of stress it has relieved me of. Thank God. But two of the guys that he works with are severe alcoholics and I kind of don't like David to be too tempted, y'know. He says they influence him in a positive manner because he sees how they act and he doesn't want to be like them. And he has never, ever been one to drink liquor very much or drank in the early part of the day(to my knowledge)
But i just don't want him to pick up any worse habits than the one's he already has.
Suddenly, I am tired. I worked 16 hours yesterday and 8 today and still have 8 more tomorrow before I have a day off so I suppose I had better sleep. Sleep is good.
Did you tried to wash his eyes with camomile tea(Anthemis Matricaria? Is a herbal tea antiseptic.And you realy work too much.
Pink eye sucks, I hope it goes away soon!
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