Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Herman's in the hospital

Herman is one of the patients at my work, we refer to him as the mascot of "C" wing, the unofficial hallway greeter. Everyone loves Herman. He has a certain place he sits in his wheelchair across from the nurses, chatting with all of the other patients and staff. Do his conversations make sense? Many times they do not. Herman is what I like to call "pleasantly confused".
He is a genuinely good person who always has a smile and a kind word for anyone.
So when I learned that they had to send him to the hospital yesterday, I decided I had to visit him. Especially after about every staff member at work was asking about him today.
So I took Seth along for the adventure. And my friend Marva who is Herman's regular nurse.

You know, it was all worthwhile to see how happy he was to see familiar faces. He was happy that I brought my "young one" as well. Even though Seth was more interested in looking out of the window of his 3rd floor room and also looking for doctors. And wanting to climb on the empty bed in the room.

I was relieved that Herman was okay and hopefully, will be back at the nursing home very soon. Does it make me dumb to be concerned about someone that isn't even my family?

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