Thursday, April 03, 2008

What the heck was that!?

Late yesterday evening ,after I had put the boys to bed, I was sitting at the kitchen table when I began to experience horrible upper abdomen pain. I thought maybe it was just awful gas pain or something. But it got worse and worse over a few minutes and I went to go lie down. It still got worse and worse-it felt as if a tight band was around my upper abdomen and pulling tighter and tighter and tighter! It was killing my back, but I couldn't figure out which hurt worse my front or my back. I was bent over my bed with one arm bracing my back and the other bracing my front wondering if my esophagus was strangulating or if I had some perforation in my stomach somewhere. In any case I started to think that maybe I should seek medical assistance in case I was having a ruptured aneurism or something. (Um, I'm serious here, it was that bad! I assure you that too much knowledge could be a bad thing in my case.)
I started to put my shoes on to go to the ER and wait for David to get home, I was hunched over standing in the middle of the driveway trying not to hperventilate from panic. The pain was increasingly intense, It reminded me of labor contractions. But the contraction got stuck, and it was in my upper abdomen.
Anyway, very soon after David arrived, it went away completely leaving only a little soreness in my right upper back ( I still feel it very, very slightly) It almost feels slightly bruised inside my back.
David told me to rest in bed and I went to sleep early.
What happened to me? Maybe I will never know, but it apparently resolved itself within about 15 minutes, thank God.
Gallstones? Pancrease or stomach inflammation? Aliens attacking me from the inside? God smiting me for something?
I just hope it doesn't happen again.

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