Friday, October 12, 2007

Hot water: good, cold water: bad

We had a new hot water heater installed. And we had a plumber friend do it so it was much cheaper than it should have been. Hallelujah, especially since we barely had the money for the cheap price.
Now if only Calgon could take me away to a nice hot, bubble bath with some candles.....
The boys are extra cranky today. Actually the patients at work were a little extra crazy today so maybe there is a weird moon phase going on.
Maybe the whole world has gone nuts.
In any case- a super big thank you to Anthony for installing the hot water heater. There are good people in the world. :)

1 comment:

Nat said...

jennie, how come you dont have google adsense on your blog? I would be more than happy to click on it everytime I visit, and I visit almost everyday. You could make a little cash from it.
Nat from BIO