Thursday, October 18, 2007

Double, double, toil and trouble.

Is that how the line is supposed to read? Forgive me if I am incorrect but Shakespeare simply bores me to tears..
I did my double shift yesterday and what a long, long day it was. It wasn't helped by the fact that I felt as if someone was playing drums from inside my skull. I foolishly took something for the excruciating pain in the middle of the night on an empty stomach- dumb idea. I spent much of the morning very nauseated and more than once had to quickly and rudely walk away from my patient so I could go throw up. Ew, what a horrible morning. I did end up feeling better and was able to take an Excedrin Migrane that someone had given me that did the trick. Thank God! I spent the rest of the shift feeling like a brand new woman! I think the caffeine in it helped pep me up as well. I definitely appreciated that side effect.
Now I have agreed to work two doubles this weekend so I will be very, very busy and most certainly will be hating my existence on Monday morning as I head off to work my 5th shift in 3 days.
But the paycheck will be nice and I might as well get the hours while I can.

Many days I feel awfully sorry for myself because I work so hard and never seem to have enough $$. Will Sean and Seth resent me some day because I was working so much? I know first hand that absence makes one's heart fonder beacuse I miss them so much when I am at work. I hope they will understand one day.

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