Thursday, September 06, 2007

I love Dayquil

I did a double Friday and then on Monday. Fortunately I had the weekend in between off because I had a nasty cold. It sucked big time, but I was determined not to call off so I wouldn't lose my overtime. Physically I did not feel too poorly. I just had a slight cough and a snotty nose.
Saturday was David and I's 6th anniversary. I know,I know..why would anyone put up with me for 6 long years. I have no clue. He must be a glutton for punishment. In any case, I appreciate him sticking around. He's really awesome and I have it made. He makes dinner in the evening, watches the boys in the day and even washes the dishes and makes the beds while I am working.
I love him.
Heather came over to watch the boys while we went to Visani to eat. We had a lovely meal and then watched a comedy show. I have seen funnier comedians, but I also was feeling lousy that day so that may have affected my sense of humor somewhat. In my present state of health, perhaps it would have been funnier.
Sunday we went to a barbecue at my dad's house. My whole family was there and we had a great time. My dad seemed to really enjoy little Sean. I kept offering to take him but Dad was managing fine with him. Sean was quite happy and content with good ol' grandpa. They even rocked together for awhile and the little guy fell asleep sitting on Dad's lap. It was so cute, I only wish I had a camera to get a picture of the two of them.
I stopped at the pharmacy with the boys and didn't realize until I got home that I didn't get the "non-drowsy" cold medicine so my brother and his girlfriend were kind enough to bring me some so I didn't have to drag the boys to the store again. they were sinply too much the first time. Note to self- when shopping for cold medicine,next time go solo.

David and I dyed our hair last night and mine came out awful! I don't know if the highlights I had done in may were especially resistant to the hair dye or what but my hair is a couple different colors, and not in a cool looking way. Next week I will get more hair dye and try again. David's looks good. It's like a dark auburn color. Mine is a nice red near the roots but many of the highlighted streaks didn't even take so I still have alot of blond. Bleh.

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