I read once that the skin on your hand heals faster that other areas of the body because the skin is constantly being renewed. I find this to be true or else I am simply a fast healer. The small lacerations on my hand and arm are healing very nicely.
My sutured area on my arm is showing less signs of healing but I think that is because of two reasons: Obviously it was deeper and larger than the hand lacerations and also I know that all wounds heal from the inside out. So ,therefore, the healing may not be visible to me but I am sure it is occurring. It does hurt quite a bit but not nearly as bad as my right deltoid where I received that Tetanus injection! My R shoulder still hurts like heck and I have difficulty sleeping at night since I want to sleep on my R side so badly but it hurts too much!
Again, I know I deserve all this inconvenience and pain for what I have done.
I continue to experience alot of anxiety by the end of my day but I try to pop some Tylenol or Advil which helps my pain and calms me a little as well.
I have to admit David is a wonderful human being for dealing with all of my nonsense.
I don't feel depressed at all but I really wish the anxiety would go away! It is simply exhausting. I guess I kind of wish the world wouldn't need so much from me. I am tired of being needed constantly. Obviously, my boys need me. But the elderly and sick people at work always need something. The creditors always call needing something. I wish no one needed me for anything for one whole day. I could take care of my own needs, personal and emotional. How lovely it would be.
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