Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Reflections- courtesy of the new baby

I say that since, for some reason, I have been pondering alot of my past and remembering memories lately. Maybe it's hormones that have made me a little emotional or maybe it's the moments in the middle of the night I find myself rocking my new son in the dark quiet of the night staring at his beautiful face.
Whatever it is, I have to say I feel extremely content these days. I am so proud of the family that David and I have created. I have two beautiful little boys and a wonderful husband.
If you had told me years ago when I first saw David that I would marry him and he would father my two children I would have thought you were high on crack.
After I left my ex boyfriend when I was 21 I found myself severely depressed and friendless. So I started spending alot of time with my sister and her friends, one of which was Walter ( Whom I had originally met through her several years earlier) One night I was attending a party at his house and David walked in. We didn't speak but I remember thinking that he looked a little sad. He certainly didn't have a boisterous personality like Walter! At this time I wasn't aware that he was involved with my sister.
It was probably months later that we had become friends. There was alot of issues with my sister and him and her boyfriend..that part is very complicated.
She wasn't happy with me for awhile. I certainly didn't want to get involved with him due to all that nonsense, but somehow we wanted to spend more and more time together and he really grew on me. I discovered a warm, funny, and sensitive man that had experienced some rough patches in his life. As a depressive, overly sensitive person myself we actually had quite a bit in common. And we drank too much, yes we started out as drinking buddies.
We have had a wonderful life together so far. We have traveled to many different places through the country and had alot of fun!! Then we decided to start a family. We bought our first house and then we went through a horrible hurricane together and many months of housing repairs. We have been married for 5 years and it seems like we have packed 10 years worth of experiences in those years. And it's still only the beginning...

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