Since it's just about 150 degrees out the only places we can go are air conditioned. Today we went to the mall. First we ate some chicken strips and fries ( Seth enjoyed the plastic ware more than the food) then we walked the mall. Even though I am still feeling quite fatigued and short of breath I am DETERMINED that I am not going to gain 40+ lbs this pregnancy. While we were walking I couldn't help but notice that a good portion of the mall- goers today were way in need of a good workout. I have to admit I am in better shape pregnant than many of them were NOT pregnant. Suddenly I felt better about my 2 pound weight gain (so far, that is)
I guess people might say " How do you KNOW they aren't pregnant? YOU don't exactly look pregnant ( exept for your enlarged rack, of course) " I would tell them that most of these women were middle aged or teen aged ( and THAT is really sad). I'm a bitch, I know it. But now I feel better about my body. And it always feels good after i know I have done something healthy for my body...and a nice brisk walk in A/C definitely counts.
While I was there I thought I might see if there were any good sales since I don't have much $ until tomorrow. Unfortunately I didn't find anything I just HAD to have. Exept some bubble bath and a rubber ducky from Bath and Body Works ( set me back a whopping $14 ) The rubber ducky was for Seth, obviously, to add to his collection ( more on that later).
JC Penney had nothing good. They had a TON of long sleeved ,very cute winter outfits for little guys but I was wondering if anyone every told the JC Penney people that it's flipping 150 degrees outside! I mean, really. August is one of the hottest months of the year and they are trying to sell winter stuff! It doesn't even get cold here until MAYBE November...more like December. I don't know who's going to buy it but I will wait for it to go on sale. It will look very cute on Seth on the 5 cold days we have per year.
Anyways, about the rubber duck. Seth has four of them now. He likes to make them talk to each other in the bath and it's very cute, but considering his limited vocabulary the duck conversation goes a little like this.
Duck 1: " Hi! Hi!"
Duck2: " Who's that?"
Duck1: "Quack, quack"
Duck2: "Hi! Hi!"
I think it's very cute.
At my last appt. my Dr. gave me Zoloft for my increased anxiety. Since I am a fruitcake I was very happy to have something bring me back to normal. Unfortunately it made me unable to sleep. So I stopped taking it for awhile. Meanwhile I have discovered that a nice warm bubble bath after Seth goes to bed really helps me sleep like a baby. It's wonderful.
So I am going to forego my Zoloft for a bit and if I feel I need to start up again it is there for me. Unfortunately since it takes a few weeks to even take effect it's a pain in the butt but I really NEED to sleep.
Meanwhile I am overly senstitive and prone to weepiness. yuck. I hate that.
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