Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My son, He who poops on the floor

Not a minute after I removed Seth from his bath water than he squatted down and pooped on the floor of the bathroom. A lovely little pile in the middle of the floor. Nice. So now, not only do I have to clean up after the cats but now the babe. At least it wasn't a floater for me to fish out of the bathtub.
I think little kids are the only humans that can manage to look cute while they are pooping.

Enough about pooping. 10 minutes until American Idol! I told myself I would not become addicted to this stupid show. I never watched any other season of it ,why now? I just wanted to watch the horrible auditions at the beginning but then I was going to stop watching. Yeah right! It sucked me in!!!!! It's not my fault!! Now it's my stupid addiction. I am very disappointed in myself. Oh well.

1 comment:

nowwhatelmo said...

That is funny! LOL! Sorry though. Chayleigh waits till I have the tub filled and start soaping her. Then she lets lose. I would rather have her poop on the floor than chase them around the tub! LOL!