Friday, July 15, 2005

I miss my mom!

My mom is in NY until Wed and boy do I miss her! I didn't realize how lucky I was to have her as a babysitter. I miss her happy face at 630 AM; I miss having the knowledge that Seth is in good hands all day. Meanwhile, I have walter's girlfriend watching Seth, she's just not as good. honestly I don't think that she feeds him properly. I really don't think that the feeds him enough. He always eats a full jar of food for me and then he only ate a couple bites for her? David said that she fed him half a jar an then tried to feed him the other half because I told her I don't like half empty jars of babyfood in the fridge. What the hell? Why would I say that? Besides I always have half empty jars in there. I am NOT going to waste perfectly good baby food, you know! David started to get upset about me getting harsh with her. I told him I never said anything like that, and of course he took HER side. He said " I don't know any reason ,she would lie to me" Hmmmmmm, maybe because she is a liar!!!!!If she is trying to start something, it's not going to work. I just have to put up with her for two more days... Michelle said this girl has a habit of lying about insignificant things so I know it's not just me. Gotta catch the boy....

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