Thursday, May 26, 2005

Bad morning

He finally got home around 1130 PM. I was just about to go to bed actually. It seemed he was taking an awfully long time to get in the door ,so I thought I'd go investigate. Up the drive he saunters with big steps and a goofy grin. Swaying a little I might add. I immediately exclaimed "Oh my gosh, why didn't you call me?" Apparently his friend's girlfriend drove him home which made me feel better. At first he was happy then he morphed into drunken stage 2 and quickly into drunken stage 3. Let me explain:
Stage 1. He has had a bit more to drink than he is used to, usually liquor of some type. He becomes very smiley and loving. Extremely affectionate. Tells me how much he loves me and how sexy I am. Over and over..
Stage 2. Increasingly becomes depressed. " I should have...." "I could have been...." My life has been wasted" I haven't accompished anything" Usually he goes on and on about how he should have been a rich and famous singer in a great band instead of a lowly carpet installer with a wife and kid ( okay so he doesn't add the last part, but he might as well) I used to console him, now I just give him a few encouraging words. I'm not heartless I have just been through this before.
Stage 3. Angry and argumentative, very overly emotional. Likes to start arguments at this point. The two times he threatened to leave and actually packed his stuff, he was stage 3 drunkeness. He always, ALWAYS talks about leaving me and everything that is wrong with our relationship. It hurts but I don't take it seriously or even feed into the discussion because I know he won't remember the next day anyway.

Last night was no exception. He said I should move in with my mom and he would take care of the baby and bills. He said that we aren't best friends anymore. That we have drifted apart and the only happy thing in his life is Seth. He 's mad that we don't get intimate as much anymore. He's mad that I work evening hours and don't spend enough time with him, and if I don't change my hours we are done.

I did try to explain that I am too worn out to be intimate many evenings, also I feel like I have run out of affection when he comes home because I have taken care of the baby all day. I also can't find a job that has 7-3 shift available, it's a hard shift to get because everyone wants it. I don't know what to do.
He was throwing up all night and Seth was restless so obviously I didn't sleep well.
Anyway I thought he'd feel a little better this morning ( he didn't) Seth was crawling on the floor while I put away the laundry and he crawled right into the metal part of the bed frame..apparently shaking the bed he hit it so hard. David immediately picks him up and looks acusingly at me and said " that probably caused brain damage, these things wouldn't happen if your mama was watching you" I WAS WATCHING HIM. I tried to explain that he hits his head all the time, I cannot pad the entire house. Anyway, I am very very hurt now. I know I don't endanger my son. He's a baby and they have accidents.

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