Sunday, September 21, 2014

Facebook Blows and I will tell you why..

Today is one of those days where I feel like I am the most miserable, unfortunate person that exists. It's difficult to realize that there are plenty of people in the world that have it worse. But depression is a selfish bastard. I can only concentrate on what I feel.

I read damn Facebook and in a Facebook rosy world people posts about the wonderful things that they are doing right now. The lovely vacations, the wonderful new car, the beautiful new house. Because that is what Facebook is, right? It's not there to post whiny, grumpy statuses. Nobody wants to know about things that are sad and horrible. And no one wants to admit to people they haven't seen since high school that their life isn't one unending string of successes. That maybe you took a wrong turn or two.
That being said, I don't honestly feel I have made too many wrong turns, but life has a way of not working in your favor sometimes. Job loss, resulting in foreclosure and poor credit, those type of things.
Sometimes you plan to do everything right and then a hurricane comes and tears down your town.

Yesterday I planned to go participate in the Coastal Clean-up with Sean's cub scouts group. I was actually looking forward to it. And then it rained. All day. Ruined everything. And I stayed at home just like I did every other day My good mom moment was ruined.

I feel like I must be living the most boring existence. Every day is just another day in my life.


Cindy Civitella Romano said...

TRUST ME when I say .... YOU ARE NEVER ALONE , and just when you think you will find others paddling along with you.
I agree ; people who post things on fb , like to brag or show off, or what I like to say , ( some ) hide behind their REAL life , so they post things to make it SEEM like their life is " so grand " ; but the truth is... if you REALLY KNOW the people that post what they post...then it's easier to spot the TRUTH behind the posts.
DON'T worry , I'll be paddling along with you. :-)

Jennifer said...

Cindy, You are lovely and I always appreciate your encouraging words! :)