1. My mom and her husband and my sister got into an argument the other evening that apparently ended badly. It supposedly involved drunk people, cheesecake, and some foul language. The moral of the story I got was," Alcohol and cheesecake don't mix, it can only lead to trouble."
2. Today my unit manager asked my friend, Marva, what her silver bracelet said on it. Marva stated "It says 'Barbados' " To which the unit manager replied," Oh I only saw the first few letters and I thought it said 'barely legal' " We all got a good laugh about that. I can only imagine my 36-year-old friend trying to pull off wearing a bracelet stating "barely legal". It still makes my laugh thinking about it. I know what Marva's getting for Christmas...
3. Today I told Seth that I was going to take a shower as I tucked him in. He responded, " But you don't look dirty!" As I laughed he added," Do you have hair under your arms?" Huh? Where did that come from?
4. Every day is a battle of man vs. nature in my house, we are becoming overrun by ANTS!! The more I spray the ant killer and clean every nook and cranny they keep coming in through different places! I feel like it's a constant war and I think I am losing. I am thinking about giving up and moving out, they can have the stinkin' house. Maybe I should take my family with me.
5.Taking care of forgetful people is good for my self esteem: If they like your hair, or outfit, or eyes, or generally think you are pretty you will hear it every time you see that person. It could be several times in a day. But then again, if they don't like you..oh, heck they won't remember it.
6.My buddy, Herman, asked if I was getting married. I told him I already was. He asked if I was going to marry someone else. I reminded him that I can only be married to one person at a time. He said," That happened to me too. I wasn't happy about that." Good ole' Herman. I love my job.
7.One week until Tennessee!!!!This is going to be interesting.
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