He absolutely cannot get enough of their "Here come the 1,2,3s" DVD. And when he's not watching the DVD he wants to play the CD in his room while he sings along and dances. Even Sean starts to dance a bit.
Seth says, " Mommy, sing along and dance with me." I told him I don't know the words. He compromised my insisting that I just dance, " Just put your leg up like this" (he kicks forward) " And them like this" ( he kicks to the side)
Oh, simply as that ,huh? I didn't do it, that would require way too much effort.
Super cute DVD though with cute animation and muppets,and catchy little tunes. I love it. I like the song"7" (We want cake, We want cake!):)
Hee hee, I feel old now that I saw them in concert 15 years ago! Back when they were a regular old quirky alternative band.
We changed Sean's convertable crib into the toddler bed since he was outgrowing it. He hasn't figured out how to sleep normally yet. He still sleeps with his head at the foot of the bed or crosswise on the bed. And now he can climb out by himself he likes to come wake us up at the crack of dawn! Yay, we don't need a rooster, we have a Sean. ( note the sarcasm) I'm thinking about switching it back to a crib. ha ha.
Oddly enough, At the Dr. appt. today, Sean is now below average in height and weight. He was above a few months ago. To me he still seems big, but maybe that's because Seth is small. He slowed down alot when he was having the problems with the ear infections in January. He's reaching all of the other milestones, but I wish he'd talk more. I'm not big on this whole," I'll point to what I want and you give it to me thing" I appreciate verbal communication. So far all he says is:
1. Da ( it's isn't even da da anymore, he's shortened it)
2. Meh meh (that's me)
3. baba ( I'm thirsty)
4. Bye! ( he does this and throws kisses, they just go together)
That's it besides the fact that he can point , wave, and give high fives. That's gotta count for something, right?
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