Friday, October 05, 2007

If at first you don't succeed, Try, try again.

Sean personifies this lovely quote. Not in a way that comforts me though.
He wants to stand so badly and he pulls up on anything anywhere in order to do it. Unfortunately, he falls down alot. Much of the time he falls backward and bonks his noggin.
I hope this child has a full head of hair throughout his life because I feel like his head will be very dented at this rate. Nothing so sad as a dented child. So far he just has some bruises.
I figure if all boys were seriously mentally damaged from the amount of bumps and falls and blows to the head they receive then all men would be running around with a few marbles missing upstairs if you know what I mean.
Actually this theory might explain quite alot.

I was driving yesterday when some person slammed on their brakes in front of me causing me to stop quickly- I was probably following too closely, knowing myself. All of the sudden Mr. driving expert Seth yells out ,"Hey what's that all about!"
The backseat driving begins early ,I guess.

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