Monday, January 20, 2014

Misophonia, a strange afflicton

I only learned about this condition tonight. My husband reminded me tonight about my extreme aversion to lots of sounds. I only thought it was a couple but he reminded me that there are several.
* rubbing of anything on Styrofoam
* the clacking of fast typing on a keyboard ( I purposely type softly ad slowly because of this)
* the pouring of water ( like the pouring of a liquid from a pitcher into a glass, not faucets or waterfalls)
* and to a lesser extent crinkling of potato chip bags in a very quiet room.

These sounds make me angry and my skin crawls. I feel like I want to punch the walls and pull off my flesh. It's like a full body feeling of hatred.
Weird. I'm very weird.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

platonicity   This is quite unique and interesting. I was discussing it the other day with a guy I work with.
I work nights, which means a lot of paperwork at the desk most nights. My closest coworker is a guy. We talk about the craziest stuff. Legalizing weed, regulated prostitution, sex stories and the aforementioned Wall of Vagina. Drunk stories and politics, all kinds of stuff.
If he was a girl, we would totally hang out.
But since he is not, we never would. I assure you there is nothing inappropriate going on here. Not in any way. But first of all, I would not think it would be acceptable to hang out with a heterosexual male friend. Second, it might just give the heterosexual male friend the wrong idea. I mean he is still a guy.
Just clearing that up for you all.

Monday, January 06, 2014

Sometimes life is a struggle.

There are days when I hate myself, everything about me. The way I look and everything I do. I look in the mirror and want to scratch my face off because I am so ugly. I am convinced that I am a loser and the worst parent in the world. On these days life is a challenge, I don't want to shower or brush my hair. I want to lay in bed and make it all go away. Usually these moments pass in a day. But in the meantime I am pretty darn useless.
Now, I have never been formally diagnosed as bipolar, but I think I might be. Prior to taking my Cymbalta, my mood were all over the place, up and down and all around. Happy and sad and everywhere in between. Now I am more on an even keel, though I still have ups and downs there aren't so common or drastic.

Thankfully, I am myself again today. At least if my moods run more manic I could get some stuff done around here!
I wish I was normal.