Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Emotional exhaustion

In the last couple days I have had two people die on C wing. Today another lady is dying-or perhaps already gone to the great beyond as I write this. I have had to communicate with too many family members about declining health of their loved ones and try to stress that the"end " is near when the family members think that maybe if we just offer her a little bit of juice Mom will be just fine. Yesterday I sent out a very, very sick man to the hospital less than 24 hours after he was admitted to the nursing home. The entire morning he was yelling out "nurse, nurse" and asking the same questions over and over, driving me up the wall. I had another man curse me out because I wouldn't let him go into another lady's room and go through her closet since he was convinced that his clothing was in her closet.
The saddest of all, I have another man that was involved in an altercation with another man and he ended up with bleeding in his brain that caused irreversable damage and now his wife wants to remove his feeding tube and they won't let her so she cries every day because of the guilt that she feels for having it inserted in the first place.

But on the other hand I saw one of my past resdients that had been moved to another wing, who stated to therapist as he saw me, " She is a wonderful girl, I wish there were more like her."
Sometimes it's nice to have someone actually say that I made some difference. Because I honestly try.
I think I have a very important job and people don't seem to understand just how trying that being a nurse can be. I have to deal with so many different personalities and dysfunctional families in some pretty weak moments. I used to think that only the lesser wealthy (poor) poeple had severely dysfuctional lives but I assure you that I have seen money drive families apart, and rich families that were more dysfunctional than I could ever have guessed. I don't know why I thought that wealthy people had less dysfunction-maybe since they can afford therapy?
Anyone that may read this, just keep in mind when you are dealing with nursng staff anywhere-they have a tough job so give them a little credit and treat them nicely. Please don't be demanding and nasty, we deserve better than that.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Why shouldn't I go out one night?

One of my friends at work invited me out tomorrow night along with a couple other girls. I really think I should go, don't you? I rarely ever go out anywhere without my family( work doesn't count) and I don't drink. Or I drink very little. I guess I feel like I am beyond the years where I should go out to any clubs. Trust me, I won't do any dancing. I don't plan on drinking near enought to get me out on the dance floor. I think David's afraid I might go picking up guys. But if you ask me I have three boys in this house to keep after-the last thing I need is another one! No thank you very much.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

INCUBUS - Black Heart Inertia

I think I really like least I really like this song. I cannot post the video from you tube yet-this is a fan video. The actual video just premiered yesterday.

For your listening pleasure

Audrye Sessions-Turn Me Off
I like this song. I just heard it fror the first time a few minutes ago. Thank you Sirius radio! It's rare that I hear brand new stuff from lesser know bands around here.